Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hey...remember me??

I have really been wanting to get back into blogging but kept waiting for the "perfect" subject/thought/whatever. I've finally decided I just have to do it! Each day is special and holds millions of moments that are shareable. So I chose today and snow :-)
Today we got over a foot of snow (it was up to the swings in the back yard!!!) That's the most we've had in seven years I'm pretty sure. Needless to say I had a snow day! :-D A couple people in my house did NOT grab the opportunity to be "trapped" at home and insisted (I live with such stubborn people!) on going out for various (not really that important) reasons ;-) But I drank in every moment at home sitting around watching movies, talking to friends online, laughing with my dad as he ventured forth into the snow, cleaned some, made mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup (what else do you make on a snow day??), and then ended the evening with three rounds of Scattergories (of which I won none....) with my Daddy and brother :-) It was a wonderful day; and because I could not choose just one photo of the snow (or the day's activities) I'll share a bunch :-P
How's that for a "welcome back into my life" day/post? :-)

Oh! I started the snow day last night by making snow cream! The fun never ends :-)

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