Monday, June 17, 2013

Take a Walk with Me...

I love walks. I love them even more at dusk. Everything seems to be heightened. The colors, the scents, even the sounds. Each step I take I'm seeing, hearing, or smelling something that feeds my soul. And now that I have an iPhone I'm able to capture some of these moments, though only for our eyes. I can't capture the smell of the water as I pass a sprinkler. The sound of a child giggling on the porch. The scent of the blossoms that cover the trees. The sound of something scurrying in the bush. The sound of the cardinal high in the tree. The scent of friends grilling in their back yard. These things along with the beauty I see with my eyes make up the whole experience of a walk through God's amazing creation.

The beauty of blooms...

Even the beauty of the weeds...

The sun trying to come through the trees as it sets...

An empty road...

A perfect climbing tree...

A dream...


But more than anything else....the beauty of love forever true...

And yet I still don't feel like I've properly conveyed the whole experience to you. So next time, you'll just have to come with me. :-)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Dark Side

Having lost over 30 lbs now, I've gotten to the point where I actually don't mind having a photo taken of me now and also means I've turned to the dark side. I now take.....selfies. *Gasp* I know, I know. A 28 yr young woman who has adopted the practices of the typical teenager. What can I say? It's one of the side effects of becoming a more physically attractive version of me. ;-) 

Off to camp Monday with a bunch of kids! Have a good weekend/ week, ya'll!

Monday, June 3, 2013


Well I guess I didn't do the once a month The story of my blog-life. :-P But!!!! I have good news and bad news.....
Bad news first. My dinosaur laptop finally gave up the ghost. I worked it to death editing photos and browsing the Internet. lol It had a good life and served me well. Finances being what they are though I won't be looking into getting a new one for a bit yet. In the mean time, the good news! I now have a smart phone!!! :-D When I first got it I said it was almost like having a laptop and I'm believing that more and more. lol Blogging  is the next thing that I'm learning to do on it. So hopefully I'll do a little better (enjoy it more??) at the whole blogging thing. :-)
As for an update one recent events? Well I'm gonna be an Auntie again times TWO this November!!! And right now I'm getting geared up for the first big summer event-Church camp! :-) There's been lots more going on and is even more coming up but that's what's on the calendar right now.
See ya'll around hopefully sooner rather than later! :-)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan/2013 Happy New Year!

So....I'm gonna give it another shot! This whole blogging thing. lol As the Summer hit last year all hope of doing a daily/365 blog was completely lost but ... I'm thinking I might be able to do a post once a month. So here's my first post of the year! (yes, I'm technically 21 days late but shhh...don't tell lol)

Though late, the year is still new. I love the beginning of a year. It feels so fresh. You can feel the mistakes and the oldness of the previous year slip away into the past and you see brand new days ahead full of completely mistakeless moments. Last year was pretty amazing for the most part. It definitely had it's dips though they didn't out weigh the highs. Now I am looking forward to 2013 and it's possibilities. :-)

We've packed a lot into the new year already! A church birthday party, the Secret Sister Banquet, a weekend trip to see my girlfriend, a photo shoot, and all of life's daily crazies. lol 

So! Happy New Year to ya again and may your 2013 be blessed!!! 
See ya next month! :-)