It has been a crazy but wonderful Summer. :-)
Got to see two dear friends get married (one of them in Texas - Road Trip!)
Attempted to get an amazing sunset...decided I need a better lens.
Celebrated the 4th of July with family :-)
Went to Bible camp and heard some amazing preaching while having a wonderful time!
Hosted our 8th annual youth rally which was maybe the best we've had yet! A truly blessed time!
Had a birthday part :-)
And even remembered to grab my camera for a few amazing moments. :-)
Such as almost catching lightning on film for the first time in a long time.
I've definitely kept busy but it's all been good and each step of the way I've been reminded in so many ways how blessed I am. Life always has it's ups and downs but this year it really has been more ups than downs. Or maybe I'm just learning better how to trust the Lord... Either way I'm thankful and give all the glory to my amazing, loving, wonderful Lord. :-) I hope that your Summer has been just as amazing.