Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Be it ever so humble...

I am such a homebody. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with friends, visiting people, going places, but when it gets to evening time and I'm looking at being gone all evening (sometimes even over night), I look around my room and suddenly feel oh so melancholy. 

Everything seems to fade away as the radio provides a little "music to be melancholy to" and I remind myself that I will have a good time and my comfy bed will not always be able to compare with the fellowship ... with a fellow human being. So I go. And I have a good time. And then I come back to my bedroom. :-)
..there's no place like home.

Disclaimer: This isn't really a picture of my bedroom. What? You thought I would really put a picture of my bedroom on here for all the world to see??? No way, Jose!!! One, my bedroom isn't the cleanest room you've ever seen and two, this one is so much prettier than mine. :-) So I "borrowed" it. :-) You wouldn't want to leave this bedroom either, would you? ;-)

Is that a pink one???

That's what my brother fearfully said the other night as I was sweeping the living room. I quickly assured him that it was just an orange jellybean. Then I thought what a dismal fate this poor orange Starburst jellybean was about to suffer, all because it wasn't pink, and decided to pick it up and eat it. Gross! Are you crazy!?! I took a picture of it, swept it up, threw it away, and now I'm blogging in it's honor. :-) I know. I'm an amazing person. 

Farewell, orange jellybean. I will never think of you again but you had a good life.

P.S. The above said brother started his own blog! Check it out here!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Referrals anyone?

Have you heard of Swagbucks? Well it would seem there is a Swagbucks revolution going on and I'm not benefiting from it!!! I first joined...a while back...don't remember exactly when...but when I joined I was asked to invite others to join. I've done that before but, I know from personal experience, it can be annoying to be invited to every new social whatever that comes down the pike. Remember WAYN or Flickr??? So I decided to be considerate of my friends and not invite anyone. Well....I might have invited ONE person who I thought would actually be interested... Anywho, now here it is a year or more later and I'm seeing person after person join up. But am I getting the referral credit???? NO! Someone else is when I was the one being nice! But of course, now that I'm seeing a whole bunch of people sign up who I didn't think would be interested I'm second guessing myself. So! Here is your invite! :-D Join Swagbucks, a community where you can earn points and redeem them for cool stuff!

                                             Search & Win pressure ...

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I know my last (and first) post said, "New Blog!" yet, if you have your eyes open right now, you can see for yourself that there are a whole bunch of other boring totally awesome posts before it. That's because I took them from my other blog (the one I'm making more "professional", remember?) and brought them over here where they can be enjoyed by us "un-professional" people. :-P I hope that I have cleared up any confusion. If not, call this number: 781-452-2080(please pardon the reference to your seat...) and have a nice day.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Blog!

What a boring title! Yet that is always what people put on the first post of a new blog. I guess I'm "people". :-)
I had another blog but decided it needed to be more...professional. Well I can't be professional all of the time! So here will be my little spot to share the quirky thoughts that come out of this brain of mine. 

To start of with...and to close this, my first post - a random quote that I love from a classic that I love. Though I have to admit that I haven't read said classic(I'm half-way through!)...only watched the movie...but that doesn't mean it isn't a good line! A good book! And a good movie! 

Oh right! Here it is. :-)

"I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner." 
~Charles Bingley from Pride and Prejudice