Monday, March 28, 2011

Snowflakes. . . AGAIN!!!!

It just seems we can't get away from this snow. Here it is, Spring has officially begun, we're about to leave March behind us and we're getting more snow. I do have to say though that they were big, fat, beautiful flakes. So I decided I was going to take advantage of the opportunity (I had to make it good somehow!) and take some shots in the snow. Since all of the people in my family are adults (no fun to take photographs of :-P) I borrowed a couple of my piano students when they came for their lessons. :-) Since they had to get home I only took a couple of each but they still turned out better than if it had been of one of us ugly boring adults! :-P 

(all SOOC)

Love her eyes in this one.

Had to try some B&W too.

Definitely made the snow worth it. Already thinking of ways to make them better next time. Can't wait to try my hand at it again.